Charity Trading and Charitable Expenditure
Online Course on Charity Trading and Charitable Expenditure
There is no blanket tax exemption for the income of a charity.
As an accountant either working in a charity or advising charities, you’ll need to know when income and gains are subject to, or exempt from tax.
This course looks at the definition of a charity, and outline show charities
can receive tax reliefs.
The course also looks in detail at which kinds of income are and are not exempt from tax.
We helps you explore whether the your charity or the charities you are advising
comply with legislation.
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Use promo code FF20 at checkout to receive £100 discount on 5 or more courses
At the end of this online CPD course you will be able to
• Understand the definition of a charity for tax purposes
• Identify the conditions of income and gains that will be exempt from tax
• Recognise what constitutes primary purpose trading under UK tax law
This course is written for people working in the accounting and finance industry at all levels.
Key areas covered
• Definition of a Charity for Tax Purposes
• Taxation of a Charity’s Income
• Trading and Business Incomes
Flexible learning
Learners take their own route through the topics covered in the course. They will learn at their own pace through a variety of activities designed to accommodate a range of learning styles.
About the Author of Charity trading and Charitable Expenditure
Tony Austin FCA has been a Chartered Accountant and tax specialist for over 30 years of which nearly 20 years were as tax partner with BDO and Mazars, where he specialised in advising charities on direct taxation matters particularly those relating to trading, Gift Aid and other tax effective giving and the establishment and running of trading subsidiaries.
Through his work with the Charities’ Tax Group, he is involved in the consultation process with HMRC on the application and reform of tax legislation affecting the not for profit sector.
He also advises owner managed businesses, both large and small, on all aspects of direct taxation and tax planning affecting them and the people that own them, including subsidiaries or branches of overseas companies.
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Course Price and Features
Use promo code FF101 at checkout to receive the Financial Fluency special price
Use promo code FF20 at checkout to receive £100 discount on 5 or more courses
• This course provides 4 hours of verifiable CPD
• You can access the course unlimited times for 120 days following purchase
• Full price = £75 (plus VAT) less 10% Financial Fluency discount = £67.50 (plus VAT)
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