Cyber Security – Risk Management Strategy
Online Course on Cyber Security
Risk Management Strategy
Developing a risk management strategy to manage cyber security is essential for any organisation,
and isn’t a matter purely for the IT department.
Many risks arise from badly managed employees and flawed business processes,
rather than digital technology.
This is why an understanding of cyber risk is essential for non-technical managers.
In this course you will explore the nature of cyber risk and learn how it can be found anywhere within an organisation, plan to meet and respond to threats and thoroughly prepare for potential incidents.
Understanding Cyber Security Strategy
enables the learner to:
• Recognise where cyber risks arise and who can be responsible for them
• Discuss with your IT department the effectiveness of the work they are doing
• Understand different cyber-security strategies and how to implement them for employees throughout your organisation
• Manage cyber risks that are outside the responsibility of the IT department Respond and recover after a cyber-security incident has happened
Learning outcomes of Cyber Security Strategy
Introducing Cyber Risk
• What is cyber risk?
• Who causes the damage?
• What sort of damage can take place?
• Why do non-technical managers need to understand cyber risk?
Managing Cyber Risks
• How do we understand our cyber risks?
• What is the best strategic approach?
• How can we mitigate our cyber risks?
• What does the holistic approach look like?
Systems Risks
• What are the information security basics?
• How do you prepare for an event?
• How can we manage people using networks?
• How can we manage social media risk?
• How should we dispose of data?
Security Outside the Office
• How can we protect mobile devices?
• How can we stay safe on the move?
• How do we handle BYOD issues?
• Should we store data in the cloud?
Responding to Threats
• How do we pick the right team?
• How do we prepare for a cyber-incident?
• How do we respond to a cyber-incident?
• How can we recover and learn?
Target audience for Cyber Security Strategy
This course is designed to appeal to people working in the accounting and finance industry at all levels.
About the author of Cyber Security Strategy
Jeremy Swinfen Green has worked in online marketing, communication and business strategy since 1993.
In 1995 he was appointed the first Digital Media Director by Aegis, the holding company of the Carat media agency group.
Subsequent to that he worked as Strategic Operations Director for media owner emap digital, Managing Partner at digital consultancy iLevel Generator, Digital Director at direct response agency MC&C, and Managing Director at the user experience consultancy Amberlight.
He has run Social Media Risk Consulting and its sister agency Mosoco, which provides social media marketing services, since 2013.
Flexible learning
Learners take their own route through the topics covered in the course. They will learn at their own pace through a variety of activities designed to accommodate a range of learning styles.
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