In-house financial training courses

in-house financial training course

The benefits in in-house financial training courses

The majority of our training is delivered on an in-house basis to our clients, whether large, small, public or private. There are considerable benefits of training in-house as opposed to a public or open course.

We’ve outlined some of the benefits below. Please have a look and send an email or give us a call if you wish to discuss further.

Save costs

One of the most obvious benefits is that in-house training can be more cost effective:
save money through in-house finance training

Lower cost per delegate – when compared with a public open house course for several delegates.

Lower travel costs – we travel to you wherever you are. Why pay travel for every delegate to travel when you can just pay for one (the trainer)?

No venue costs – if the course is held at your premises. Venue costs are always built into the cost of a public course.

Control the subsistence budget – you choose! If you want top quality refreshments and lunch provide it, if you don’t then don’t.


Tailored training

tailored in-house training courses
One of the key advantages of in-house financial training is that the courses can be tailored, customised and focused on your business. We discuss with you in advance the issues facing your business and agree on relevant learning objectives for the course.

We spend time to understand your internal terminology so we can speak in your business language and help relate the training to your employees.

We can build tailored case studies with you, using your internal and business sector specific data. This all helps to increase the relevance of the training and enable your staff to translate the learning back into the workplace following the course.

As well as tailoring our existing courses we can build full bespoke courses in partnership with you. We will help you decide on course content, delivery style, course duration, timings and any other relevant factors in the training mix.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Many of our clients use in-house training courses to meet the CPD needs of their professionally qualified employees, whether accountants, lawyers, engineers or any other profession.

Training venue and equipment

Training venue

Don’t have the space internally? No problem! We can source a suitable local venue for you through our venue sourcing agency, within your budget.


Training equipment

Our presenters have all their own training equipment to deliver their courses. If you have a data projector and flip chart then great. If not we can provide.


Ideas for in-house training courses

We offer a selection of 30 existing financial training courses, use the menu of the left to browse. These often provide the starting point for discussions with our clients.