Lean Awareness for Finance Teams
Lean Awareness In-house
Training Course
Virtually none of your organisation’s internal accounting and business transactions actually add value for your customers. Why would any customer would be willing to pay for purchase order matching; or works order processing; or inventory tracking through your business?. These transactions have arisen over many years as “standard” methods of financial control. Auditors make a good living trawling through transactions (it’s easy money), and years of training have programmed us not to question them.
The fact is that these financial transactions are costing your business a great deal of money and, yet, deliver no value to the customer. In one business we studied with 150 employees, 12% of their total revenue was spent processing such transactions – the staff costs of posting works orders, time sheets, goods received notes, matching purchase orders, and so on.
We’re not saying that these transactions can be completely eliminated – financial control must be maintained – but we are saying that internal control processes can be greatly streamlined to radically reduce the amount of time required to achieve the same level of financial control. Achieving this is about applying the lean improvement philosophy to finance processes. In a nutshell this means:
The lean improvement philosophy
1. Understanding the Process Thoroughly;
2. Understanding who the Customers of the process are, and what they really want;
3. Training and empowering the people working in the process to improve it;
4. Removing duplication, delay and error from the process and putting checks in the right places;
5. Managers supporting, facilitating and rewarding improvement
Lean Improvement is not about making people work harder or faster, it is about identifying and removing the waste from internal processes – unnecessary steps; over-complicated elements; time delays; and so on – to streamline those processes and make them more efficient.
Benefits of the Lean Awareness Course
for you and Your Organisation
Lean Awareness for Finance Teams will introduce your finance team to the key principles of lean improvement, will introduce them to the tools required, and, through structured exercises, will start them on the path to improving some of your core finance processes.
The Contents of Lean Awareness for Finance Teams
1. What is Lean?
2. Lean Simulation
3. Customers and Value Streams
4. Value and Waste
5. Value Stream Mapping
6. Understanding Process Risk (FMEA)
7. Practical Problem Solving
8. Making a start with Lean
9. Action Planning
Lean Awareness Course Delivery
We take an open friendly and enthusiastic approach to learning finance. We believe that people learn more effectively when they are enjoying themselves. We make finance interesting for you. We love questions and welcome as many as possible.
We encourage an open atmosphere which in our experience accelerates the learning process. We always use lots of exercises, case studies and real life examples in our training as we believe this really helps our clients to understand concepts.
We find that people only really learn when they test their understanding through practice. We offer traditional training, facilitation, interactive simulations, coaching and online training.
Tailored Lean Awareness Courses
All our courses are tailored to meet our client’s specific needs. We like to spend time getting to know our clients as we strongly believe that training is most effective and valuable when tailored and focused.
In-house Lean Awareness Training Course
Our training can be held within your office or an external venue of your choice.
We can also secure venues on your behalf through our venue sourcing agency.