Professional Accountancy Exam Coaching / Private Tuition
Do you need help passing your professional accountancy exams?
We have many years experience in helping accountancy students pass their exams.
We can help accountancy students for any professional qualification such as ICAEW, ICAS, ACCA, and CIMA.
Why students fail exams
Many students who have previously been successful in every exam of their life from school to university find it difficult to pass their professional accountancy exams. The challenge is often balancing a full time job at the same time as studying. We have seen many extremely bright and intelligent students who are unable to get through their exams. In particular it is often the final stages of the professional qualifications which students find difficult. Partly this is because the same students are advancing in their career’s (and are hence busier at work) and partly it is down to exam technique.
Exam technique
Exam technique is where we can make a difference to accountancy exam students. Surprisingly, the reason people fail exams is rarely down to knowledge. Understanding some simple rules of exam technique can make a real difference at the margin and ultimately between passing and failing.
This is particularly relevant for the final level business strategy and case study (such as ICAS TPE, Strategic Case Study/TOPCIMA/T4) exams, where exam technique needs to be combined with relevant technical knowledge.
For many of these exams, especially the case study based exams, the real difference can be made on ‘professional skills’. Demonstrating familiarisation, judgement, analysis, structure, communication and appropriate presentation is essential.
We have a 10 step approach to exam technique which includes: reading skills, understanding the exam question, writing and communication skills, understanding the examiner/marker and time management.
Private tuition / exam coaching
Each ‘exam season’ we accept a very small number of select students into our coaching programme. This is so we can dedicate sufficient attention to each student and meet students at time to suit them which is often during the evening and/or weekends.
Please do not compare us to other exam trainers. We are highly experienced trainers who have a background in exam training and spend the majority of our time training to businesses. We offer a small and discrete service in exam coaching given our passion in helping students.
Our hourly fee is charged at commercial rates. We offer a premium service to those who are willing to invest, in return for tailored, dedicated and focused guidance. If you are looking for standardised, low cost, commoditised tuition we advise you to look elsewhere.
If you are serious about receiving focused, dedicated private tuition / coaching to pass your professional accountancy exams, then please contact us for more information using the form below.
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